5 Fresh Tips to Help You Manage Stress Throughout Your Day with Spiritual Empowerment Practitioner Kristen Curtis

Knowing how to manage your stress throughout the day can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for managing stress throughout your day with spiritual empowerment practitioner, Kristen Curtis.

Kristen Curtis uses EFT (emotional freedom technique) and Core Clearing (subconscious reprogramming) to help women be free of fear and limitations, and help to progress in life filled with purpose. She practices the concept of allowing emotions to be welcomed in and processed at your core, to help transform negative thoughts, anxiety, anger, sadness, physical ailments and everything in between.

As one of Kristen’s clients says, “Kristen is a gifted EFT practitioner and healer. She will guide you back home to your heart, your soul and leave you feeling more connected and grounded. She holds such a warm energy that any challenging emotions are met with so much compassion and kindness. I'm so grateful to be held in her presence and have been able to work through some sticky emotions through her skilled, trans formative sessions.”

You can learn more about Kristen Curtis on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to manage stress throughout your day:

  1. Get up and move! Some of us spend a lot of the day sitting at our computer. Once an hour, set an alarm and take a few laps around your house or, even better, a few minutes outside. We are made of energy and our energy wants to move, especially if we feel stressed.

  2. 4-7-8 breathing. You don't even have to get up out of your chair to do this! Close your eyes and inhale through your nostrils counting to 4. Hold your breath after the inhale for 7 seconds and exhale completely emptying your lungs for 8 seconds. Exhaling longer than inhaling signals the brain to come out of "fight or flight" and promotes safety in the nervous system. Repeat as many times as needed until you feel your stress level come to a manageable place.

  3. Shake! Sitting or standing, begin to shake your arms, legs, head, hips, shoulders- any part of your body that you'd like. Breathe as easily and deeply as accessible to you while shaking. Shaking calms the nervous system, allows energy to move, allows the body to let go of tension and relax and allows awareness of the body which helps bring stress out of the mind and into the body where it can be transformed.

  4. Lay down. On the couch, on the floor, on the bed- anywhere you'd like. We spend hours and hours with the same perspective, holding our head in an upright position. Sometimes we need to give our brains a different outlook. When we feel stressed, we often can feel very stuck there and physically changing our perspective can allow our brains to shift just by noticing something different than our stress. Pairing this with 4-7-8 breathing creates a lot of relaxation in your nervous system efficiently.

  5. Tapping and Talking. Of course, EFT tapping is an easy and accessible way to help move your stress and your energy. Even if you don't know all the energetic points of tapping, just choosing to tap on your collar bones or the top of your head with your fingertips signals your brain to become more present in your body. Stress= stuck emotions in the body. These emotions want to be given room to be seen, to be heard and to be felt in order to transform. Tapping and speaking out loud what is causing you stress allows the emotions to be transformed while in a safe nervous system.


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