5 Fresh Tips to Create Organizational Habits with Professional Organizers Briana and Erica Spruille

Knowing how to create organizational habits can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for creating habits to prevent you from having to reorganize every night with professional organizers, Briana and Erica Spruille.

Briana and Erica Spruille are the founders of Just BE, a professional organizing and life simplifying business. They meet their client's needs by being experts in organizing, life simplifying, and wellness- specializing in decluttering as self care, living intentionally, resetting lives and homes, and calming chaos to reclaim peace. Their small team of experts work in homes and businesses to provide the following: decluttering, organizing, staging, pre- and post- move services, holiday decorating, and life resetting. As they say, “organizing your life is self love and self care.” They operate and stand on our motto: Just BE. Tidy Space. Clear Mind. Happy Life.

As one of Just BE’s clients says, “I hired Just BE, LLC. to make sense of my chaos which left me feeling overwhelmed and a little frustrated. They came in and in hours I had my closet organized and my mind de-cluttered as well. I enjoy “shopping” in my closet now, it’s so much easier to locate my attire! She is professional, efficient and takes the customers’ personality into account while organizing the home. I’d recommend Just BE, LLC. to anyone.”

You can learn more about Briana and Erica Spruille on their Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to create habits to prevent you from having to reorganize every night:

  1. Deal with paper immediately: Mail and school papers accumulate quickly! Open mail when entering the home, tossing obvious trash, setting aside things that need immediate attention, and storing/filing items you want to keep. Create a filing system for school papers by child and attention needed: invites, artwork, need signatures, etc.

  2. Make your bed: It is proven that the way you start your day, impacts your feelings, thoughts, and actions. The accomplishment of making your bed as soon as you get up instantly boosts your mood, you feel organized and uncluttered, and you are encouraged to clean/tidy more or complete other things on your 'to-do' list.

  3. Do an end of day walk through: Spend a few minutes (no more than 15) every evening walking through your main living spaces to do a quick sweep of obvious trash, out of place shoes, blankets, or toys, and to clean the sink. It creates a continuous cycle of tidying so that it's not a weekend span of deep cleaning and reorganizing.

  4. Control dump zones: Dropping shoes, mail and papers, jackets, keys, and bags at your home's entry point is common, yet also a cause of clutter. Install shoe racks, wall hooks for bags, jackets, and/or keys, a mail tray, or bin for papers to eliminate that drop-zone clutter. Remember, creating a system of putting things in place eases the stress of pileups.

  5. Prioritize self care: Everyone wants quiet/alone/relaxing time! That can't happen if you are constantly picking up, cleaning up, looking for items, and being frustrated due to your surroundings. Your environment influences your state of mind, which impacts your ability to enjoy leisure and self care...the ability to just be.


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