5 Fresh Tips to Help You Grow a Business Online While Embracing Your Sensitive Nature & Intuition with Business Strategy & Marketing Agency Owner Chelsea Fournier

Learning how to grow a business online while embracing your sensitive nature and intuition can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you grow an online business while embracing your sensitive nature and intuition with business strategist and marketing agency owner Chelsea Fournier.

Intuitive Business By Design supports healers, coaches, creatives & change-makers who are amazing at what they do serving clients, but the tech, software, and back end side of running their online business makes their eyes burn and their soul hurt.

We offer tiers of support for the beginning business owner (such as templates, community coaching, courses, and consulting sessions) and offer impeccable and intuitive support for done-for-you services relating to launching your website, funnels, email marketing + back end support & systems.

You can learn more about Chelsea Fournier on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help grow your online business with intuition:

  1. Embrace Sensitivity & Authenticity as Your Superpower. So many entrepreneurs are highly sensitive, neurodivergent, or just looking for a way to create something outside of the box. Instead of feeling like that will hold you back, it's empowering to explore how that will help you stand out, embracing your unique ability to have an authentic brand (without oversharing your life) can help you form deeper connections in your community and audience as a refreshing presence in their life and business.

  2. Embracing Healing As Part Of Your Business Journey. If you are a recovering people pleaser, then healing those wounds will be huge for your long-term success in setting boundaries. If you are triggered by rejection, then releasing trauma that triggered that will be part of your path. I am not a healer myself, but I support so many amazing healers and see that those who are doing the work (myself included) of physical, mental, emotional & energy healing alongside the business strategy get further faster.

  3. Design Thoughtful Offers in Alignment With Your Mission. Designing how you package your services or sessions up into a package, program, course or membership can feel daunting. Start with having a clear mission of why you do what you do, the feeling you want clients to experience and feel, and then consider the different formats or containers, and get really good at one first (marketing, selling, onboarding & serving). Then you can branch out to other methods of support.

  4. Welcome Your Intuition Into Your Business. There are so many decisions to make daily, weekly, monthly and ongoing as a business owner. Taking time to tap into your body, your intuition, your spiritual guidance...whatever will best serve you to make authentic and aligned decisions will make a difference in the long run. Blending intuition with strategy for decisions that feel right and align with your business vision and ethical standards will help you feel empowered and in charge of your business.

  5. Insist on Authentic Marketing & Lean Into Automations. Create & implement marketing strategies that reflect your genuine self, drawing clients who value and seek what you uniquely offer. And don't be afraid of automations. The more you can map out and automate as far as marketing, selling & onboarding your ideal client, the more you can reserve your energy for truly serving and holding space and support. Funnels, email marketing, and sequences can still represent you, your voice and your energy...just mapped out and written in advance so that you can sit back and let the magic happen in the back end.


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