5 Fresh Tips to Help You Find Clarity When You Feel Lost with Astrologer Alice Smith

Learning how to find clarity when you feel lost can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you find clarity when you feel lost with astrologer Alice Smith of Alice Smith Astrology.

Alice Smith Astrology provides astrological counseling through one-on-one readings, performs at events both big and small in the Pacific Northwest, and is the resident astrologer for the Asian-American media platform JoySauce. She is passionate about democratizing astrology to make it easily accessible to the masses--to distill the wisdom of the stars into plain English so that everybody can benefit! She helps people to shed the stories that don't fit them so that they can become the heroes of their own lives.

You can learn more about Alice Smith on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you find clarity when you feel lost:

  1. Take care of your physical needs. Remember to eat, hydrate, and sleep. We are comprised of body, mind, and soul. When we're feeling lost in the mind or the spirit, we can at least take care of the body. While taking care of your physical body isn't going to solve all of your problems, it can help to bring a sense of balance and control to situations where we feel out of control.

  2. Learn to sit with the discomfort of uncertainty. In the modern, Western, capitalistic world that's achievement and money oriented, we're incredibly uncomfortable with "liminal space"—the place that's neither here nor there, which is exactly what transitions are. Our discomfort with liminal space is why we dread planetary retrogrades (like Mercury retrograde), because it sends us into energetic liminal space where we can reassess, reevaluate, and reconsider. But in these modern times, we don't know what to do with anything that isn't forward-moving motion. Liminal space is uncomfortable, but it's also a gift because they're opportunities to reorient, recalibrate, and course-correct. It's okay for things to be unclear.

  3. Normalize fear and doubt. Realize that our fears and doubts magnify when we're about to embark on meaningful change and expansion. Our rational brain has one primary goal, which is to keep us alive and safe. Expanding into unknown territory is the very opposite of safety, but necessary for our evolution when it's our time to grow.  Fear is not only normal—it's incredibly helpful in uncovering your tenderest wishes. Fear protects your most heartfelt wants, and if you can sit with your fear and examine it, you can actually use it to gain clarity.

  4. Let go of imagined deadlines. Everybody evolves at their own speed and lumping on extra anxiety because you're not aligned with an arbitrary timeline isn't productive. Realize that arbitrary timelines have more to do with your "shoulds" and "oughts" than they have to do with reality.

  5. Get to the heart of the issue by asking, "Why would that be a problem?" This question helps us get to the real heart of issue, which is so important because we often orbit the real issue. For example: If you don't get a promotion, why would that be a problem? Keep asking yourself that same question with every answer and you might realize in the end that it's not about the promotion but, rather, your belief that your loved ones only want you because of what you provide. Hence, the real issue is you feel unworthy of love


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