Why Tapping Helps You Through a Life Change

Heading down a Fresh Start path can sometimes be a little nerve wracking - we get it, we’ve been there! How can you quell your anxiety and nerves during a major life change? We asked EFT (emotional freedom technique) Tapping Expert Kristen Curtis how people can use tapping to feel less nervous and more empowered during a Fresh Start in their life. Don’t forget, you can schedule a free 30 minute call with Kristen here, and Fresh Starts readers get 15% off her amazing tapping and core clearing services.

New to tapping? Check out our Tapping 101 info, tapping for manifesting the life you want, and how to tap away anxiety.

So, how can you use tapping during a life change? Here’s what Kristen said:

Major life changes are a disruption to the nervous system and can create us to feel really overwhelmed because we tend to look at the big picture of a situation or event.

Tapping can help calm the nervous system regarding all the steps in the process of a major life change. It is important to take one day at a time and really assess and tap on how you are feeling that specific day.

Just by tapping on the points, it lessens our stress hormones. Because tapping transforms our thoughts and emotions, it is likely that tapping on what is is present currently regarding the situation will help you feel better about what's to come as well.


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