The Power of the Belief Code: Transforming Minds and Lives

by Candice Erickson-Perham founder of Indiglow Soul, Healer

In the journey of self-discovery and healing, our belief systems play a pivotal role, often shaping how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. But what if there was a way to unravel these deep-seated beliefs, freeing ourselves from their limiting grip?

Enter the Belief Code, a revolutionary approach to energy healing that connects into the subconscious to unearth and release unwanted negative beliefs.

Drawing on principles from the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™, the Belief Code offers a holistic approach, touching the mind, body, and spirit. - Discovery Healing

Testimonial: Realizing the Power of the Belief Code

Belief Code is at the next level of energy healing and goes so much deeper then I expected. Candice proposed the session’s topics by asking me to identify three to five things that I wanted to work on, areas where I suspected my beliefs may be holding me back. Then she determined what the most pressing area to focus on was by connecting with my energy. We then worked on the topics of trust and relationships. The beliefs that came to light were ones I recognized and so many centered around my childhood and my perception of how my parents felt about me. I could certainly see how those beliefs and patterns were holding me back. Even more interesting was where I was holding some of the beliefs.

In September, I was flagged with an abnormal mammogram for the first time in over 10 years of tests. The doctors noted that while my breasts had not changed, dense breasts were more difficult to read. During my session with Candice, the location-where my trapped emotions within my faulty beleif system were being stored, was in my mammary tissue. I work as a healer, so I understand that disease can occur in instances like this, emotions and beliefs storing up energy and contributing to disease and illness.

Both Candice and I knew immediately that this was why the mamogramy tests had been difficult to read and that we were clearing what needed to be removed and healed. Not only does the body know where it is time to work, but energy work is truly healing. Candice

has the gift of Intuition and focuses on bringing healing and health to her client’s body and I have no doubts that I won’t have difficult to read images in the future. - Shelly Fox

For more information Book a Discovery Call Now

Uncovering the Layers of the Belief Code

At the heart of the Belief Code lies a profound understanding of the layers that make up our belief systems.

Just as a tree has roots, trunk, branches, and leaves, our belief systems have layers that influence every aspect of our lives:

Faulty Core Identity (Soil):
Originates in childhood and becomes intertwined with our sense of self.
Often absorbed from our environment without question, these beliefs shape our identity in profound ways.

Faulty Core Belief (Root):
Negative beliefs reinforced and compounded over time.
Like roots entangled in the soil, these beliefs form the foundation of our belief system, influencing our perceptions and actions.

Limiting Belief (Trunk):
The central belief at the core of our belief system.
Often hidden in the depths of our subconscious, these beliefs may profoundly impact our self-image and worldview.

Negative Program (Branches/Leaves):
Manifests as negative automatic thoughts and self-talk.
The visible manifestations of our belief system, these programs perpetuate cycles of negativity and limitation.

My Personal Experience with Belief Code
I did my first Beleif Code session for myself on childhood trauma, it was eye opening to see the beliefs that were came up around abadonment, safety and how I didn't feel I could be loved "just how I was". It brought up so much around people pleasing and trying to be who everyone else wanted me to be. What was even more fascinating was the physical intolerance to gluten showed up. I've been gluten free for a number of years and to think that a faulty beleif system was at the core of that intolerance really blows my mind.

What I've learned about these faulty belief systems is it isn't just an experience or a thought that gets recorded into our subconscious, its the whole environment. Where you were, who you were with, what you were wearing, eating the weather outside. There are so many levels to how this works and what can be holding us back from living our best lives.

Another session I did for myself was around physical pain. I'm in a lot of pain on a daily basis and this became heightened recently. There was a particular Saturday that after doing some chores around the house that I was barely able to walk. I did a Beleif Code session on physical pain that showed me we can inherit belief statements, which I had and also that I believed I deserved the pain and that it helped to "keep me in line". I had also developed an intolerance to a specific person who had caused me a lot of emotional pain. All this and so much more was cleared. Within 6 hours os the session I went from pain level of an 8 or 9 to a 2 or 3. My pain has varied after that, but I haven't been back to an 8 or 9.

My most recent session was on my calfs and feet swelling. This has been happening for years. I've done a lot to address the isses and nothing has really worked to date. I intuitevely knew there wasn't anything physically causing this swelling, but that it was emotional. As I went through this session there were a lot of tears. So many tears for how my faulty belief system was running statements about my weight and how I negatively viewed my body, how out of shape I was, that it wasn't safe for me to create boundaries. What shocked me the most was where I was holding this in my uterus. I had a hysterectomy in 2013 and no longer had my uterus but I know the energy of my uterus was still with me. I learned that a surgery I had to remove more than 30 polyps from my uterus created some of these issues and that my body didn't fully recover from the surgery. Without trusting and doing this work I wouldn't have been able to access this information to help myself heal.

I look at life so much differently now then I did 10 years ago, I now understand how interconnected our mind, body and spirit are.

Benefits of the Belief Code:

Simple and easy-to-use process, akin to the Emotion Code® and Body Code™.
Utilizes mind-mapping technology to efficiently identify and release unwanted beliefs.
Offers a comprehensive framework with seven main categories and cascading lists of beliefs for targeted healing.

What are you ready to release? What is weighing you down and keeping you from flying? I don't have everything figured out, I'm still a work in progress but I'm here to help and we can work through and release what doesn't serve us together.

This blogpost was originally posted on Indiglow Soul and has been shared at the express consent of the original author.

Learn more about and how to work with Indiglow Soul and Candice here!

Please note that the blogpost above does not represent the thoughts or opinions of Fresh Start Registry and solely represents the original author’s perspective.


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