A Fresh Story Podcast: Paige is so over the imbalance of domestic labor

A Fresh Story, season 9, episode 5

We chatted with Paige Connell about her journey through motherhood and marriage, exploring the challenges of balancing family life and the mental load that comes with it. As a mother of four, Paige shared her experience of transitioning into parenthood through foster care and later having biological children, going from no kids to four in just three years. She opened up about the resentment and burnout that stemmed from an unequal division of labor in her marriage, and how her husband's anxiety added another layer of complexity to their relationship.

In our conversation, Paige emphasized the importance of communication and the pivotal moment when she decided to demand a more equitable division of responsibilities at home. She shared the struggles they faced in redefining their roles as partners, advocating for domestic equity and the need for men to be more prepared for fatherhood. Paige also highlighted how these changes not only impacted her mental well-being but also shaped her children’s perception of gender roles and household responsibilities.

Paige’s story is a powerful reminder that finding balance in family life is an ongoing process, but with grace, patience, and effective communication, it’s possible to create a more equitable partnership. She encouraged listeners to prioritize self-care and individuality while navigating the evolving dynamics of parenthood and marriage, offering hope for those looking to make a fresh start in their relationships.

Paige’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/sheisapaigeturner

Paige’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sheisapaigeturner


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