The Divorce Announcement Season: Monika Casey

A Fresh Story, season 8, episode 12

Welcome to a special season of A Fresh Story Podcast: The Divorce Announcement Season. This season is co-produced by; offers a streamlined path through divorce that helps couples avoid unnecessary conflict and costs. 

On this episode of The Divorce Announcement Season, we talked to mom, actress, and podcast host Monika Casey. Monika talks about how she de-activated her social media during her divorce, however felt dis-empowered when her divorce announcement was revealed in TMZ. We talked about how to handle your divorce announcement when the narrative spins out of control, and how to empower yourself as you re-write the narrative of your divorce.

Monika Casey is the co-host of Divorce Party Podcast with Tom Arnold.


The Divorce Announcement Season: Kelly McMasters


The Divorce Announcement Season: Tom Arnold