5 Fresh Tips to Help You Set Energetic Boundaries with Clarity Consultant and Astrologer Lauren DeGolia

Are you ready to set energetic boundaries with intention and intuition? Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for Setting Energetic Boundaries with Clarity Consultant, Astrologer and Fresh Starts Expert, Lauren DeGolia. Lauren is a spiritual advisor, mentor, and expert space holder. Her goal is to help you navigate the cosmic tides of life & business. Her education, corporate expertise, life experiences and love of Astrology have sparked a passion for supporting others transition to the next season of their life. This starts with unpacking their cosmic signature, their natal chart.

As one client says, “I was blown away by my astrological reading with Lauren. The Information she brought to the session was highly personalized and presented in a thoughtful, accessible manner. I really could not believe how much she ‘knew’ about me! Lauren provided me with a safe space to unlock the past, gently coaxed me into some blind spots, and offered clear, actionable advice for the near future.”

You can learn more about Lauren on her Fresh Starts profile, and follow her on Instagram for more tips.

5 Fresh Tips to help you set energetic boundaries with intention and intuiton:

  1. Have a ritual or habit that is just for you that helps you set the tone for your day. It’s important to get our mind, body and soul on board with how we want our day to feel. Most of us think that our days run us instead of the other way around, when we begin and end our days with intention we find ourselves 9 times out of 10 feeling more empowered about what is happening to us. It also helps to know that rituals and habits help us find the present moment, which is where the connection to our self is the strongest.

  2. Be an advocate for your time. Have a meeting that could’ve been an email? Said yes when you really meant no? It’s really easy to get over subscribed on doing more. They say that time is our most valuable asset, but I believe it’s really your energy. Our time is how we spend our energy, so start declining things that you don’t have the energy for or don’t need to do. You’re the boss, applesauce!

  3. The quality of your thoughts matter. I do a lot of work with the unconscious mind and one of my best tips is to pay attention to what you think for just one day and you’ll notice that you think about some of the same things repeatedly throughout the day. If those things are negative, think of them like prison guards, keeping you locked in the cell of your old reality. Neutral thoughts are the name of the game:  where thoughts just become data and only have meaning if you assign them meaning.

  4. Consider the 1% rule and show up accordingly. A lot of us are on a self growth or spiritual growth journey and are forging new identities. It’s easy to get stuck in the future and feel like you’re not there and noting the gap between today's reality and 5 years from now you. The truth is, future you is right here in this moment, just make one tiny shift today to show up as them (#1%better) and before you know it your whole reality will have shifted.

  5. Pay attention to your energy, it helps build awareness which strengthens your intuition. A stronger intuition means more self trust and knowing what is best for you (and what is not). Understanding your astrological energy, based on your sun, moon and rising signs is a great place to start, or you can follow my daily energetic weather forecaster on Instagram or TikTok.


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