5 Fresh Tips to Stay on Your Wellness and Healing Journey with Healing Arts and Wellness Practitioner Robyn Gaillard

Are you ready to start fresh and stay on your wellness and healing journey? Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for Staying on Your Wellness and Healing Journey with Healing Arts, Wellness Practitioner, and Fresh Starts Expert Robyn Gaillard. Wellness and healing arts care incorporating yoga, reiki, mediation, and HeartMath strategies. Reduce stress, shift out of anxiety or depression, and regulate your nervous system. Tap into the wisdom of your heart to align emotions and thoughts, build resilience and listen to your intuition. Shift emotions, attitudes, and feelings for overall better health.

As one client says, “Working with Robyn has truly been so informative and enlightening. I had no idea my heart was so important to my overall health and well-being. Robyn explained how my brain and heart need to be in harmony for my ultimate happiness and fulfillment. I learned breathing techniques to alter my heart rate in times of stress. Robyn taught visualization strategies to improve thought patterns. Each week, as I used the information and techniques at home, Robyn created a safe and supportive environment to evaluate my progress and give feedback as needed. I would highly recommend Robyn's HeartMath study for anyone interested in ways to reduce stress and positively impact your mind-body connection. These methods will help everyone live a more productive and fulfilled life of joy!.”

You can learn more about Robyn on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you stay on your wellness and healing journey:

  1. Posture: Check in with your posture, regularly. The spine is an information highway for the brain! Quick adjustments improve breathing, concentration, mood and productivity.

  2. Work on Your Alignment: Anatomical, as in, your posture, and energetic, which is our connection to self, self-expression, and the circulation with/connection to inner guidance system keeps you rooted and present.

  3. Breath work: Focus on your breath, and remember to take quick breathing breaks! A heart centered breath break for shifting into higher quality feelings will help you feel your best self.

  4. Coherence: When your brain's thoughts and your heart's feelings are the same and can communicate, this is coherence.

  5. Self-expression: Our hands are an expression of the heart. Adding in what invites authentic expressing and acknowledging the feeling/vibration of expression


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