5 Fresh Tips to Help You Build Leadership in Your Teen with Teen Leadership Coach Lorraine Connell

Learning how to help your teen build leadership skills can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you build leadership skills in your teen with teen leadership coach Lorraine Connell.

Lorraine is an experienced educator with over two decades of teaching high school students, during which she developed skills in teen peer mentoring. Specializing in social and emotional learning, she has developed an innovative curriculum aimed at enhancing empathy, self-confidence, problem-solving, and decision-making skills crucial for effective leadership among young adults.

You can learn more about Lorraine Connell on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you build leadership skills with your teen:

  1. Accept your leadership! If you are a parent you are the most important leader in your children's lives.

  2. Leadership starts with a decision - and listening today was one of those decisions!

  3. Leadership is not perfection - the best leaders make mistakes and accept them!

  4. Leadership is not a skill you are born with - every attempt you make is building skills as a leader.

  5. Leaders do not have a title - the best leaders are the everyday leaders who don't in fact have a title that tells everyone they are a leader.


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