What Is a Divorce Announcement?

Have you ever heard of a divorce announcement? 

Here at Fresh Starts, we believe that divorce is a powerful journey in learning more about yourself, fostering empowerment, and facilitating personal growth. While divorce can initially be challenging and emotionally taxing, it often serves as a catalyst for positive change and self-discovery. One of the ways people can reclaim their power, own their story, and stand in their truth is by making an announcement about their divorce.

Through our partnership with Divorce.com, people can enter the journey of divorce with much more ease, support, and sense of control than ever before. Divorce.com allows for people to work together to have a streamlined divorce process, saving them time, money, headaches, and ultimately, work together so everyone can have a fresh start. As they say, Divorce.com is a  “modern solution that removes the unnecessarily traumatic parts, helping families to move forward in the healthiest way possible.” And once you move forward with Divorce.com, and find yourself through the process, it’s time to own your story with a Divorce Announcement

What is a divorce announcement?

A divorce announcement is a formal or informal statement made by people  to inform their friends, family, and acquaintances about their decision to transition to divorce. While divorce announcements may seem unconventional or uncomfortable for some, they serve as a powerful tool for individuals to reclaim their narrative and own their divorce story. By proactively sharing their decision with others, individuals can take control of the conversation surrounding their divorce and prevent rumors or misinformation from spreading. 

Additionally, divorce announcements provide an opportunity for individuals to express their intentions, emotions, and plans for the future, allowing them to set the tone for how they want to be supported and perceived during this transition. Ultimately, divorce announcements empower individuals to embrace their divorce as a fresh start, assert their agency, and move forward with confidence and clarity.

As writer Rachel Sobel says, “I think that when we get  divorced, many of us feel like victims, like it’s happening to us, which in some respects it is. I think the inherent power of announcing a divorce is that you control the narrative. You can’t ever control what other people are going to say, but if you come from your own space and comfort level to share whatever it is you want to share, you get to feel like you’re empowered, and I think divorce makes you feel so powerless.” 

To learn more about Divorce.com, head to Divorce.com and learn how they can help you reduce conflict, reduce cost, and reduce time on your divorce. And, don’t forget to make a divorce registry and get all of the support you need to start fresh post-divorce and beyond. 


3 Reasons to Write a Divorce Announcement


No Word for Vulnerability