Read ‘em and weep (or laugh).
We have lots to say. We hope it helps in some small way!
A couple of tags we thought might be helpful —
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Learning to Love Music After a Breakup (or how I fell back in love with bluegrass music again)
What happens to the soundtrack of your life when you breakup or divorce the person you shared it with? Here’s Olivia’s story of finding her way back to bluegrass music and why we believe music is a part of your healing process.
5 Quotes for Your Fresh Start
Are you ready for a Fresh Start? Here are 5 quotes about starting over and beginning again to inspire you on your new journey.
Mindless Reality Shows for When You Need to Zone the Eff Out
Need to escape for a few hours? We rounded up our favorite reality competition TV shows for those times when you need to zone out and distract yourself. Nothing about romance or home-buying here, though! Food fun and nostalgia TV all the way.
5 Tweets to Inspire You This Week
It’s been a long week, check out the 5 Tweets to help inspire you to live your best life this week.
5 Shows To Binge When You Can’t Imagine How To Sleep
You’re in the early days of your fresh start and the idea of closing your eyes and you know- thinking thoughts, is way, way too horrifying (been there, sis). You need a companion- not a person, but a show. You need a show you can binge.
5 Tweets For Your Fresh Start
Tweets are the new mantras. We’re rounding up our top 5 weekly Tweets to inspire us on our Fresh Starts journey.
How to Help: 5 Useful Things To Say
Raise your hand if you’ve had to suffer through some frustratingly NOT USEFUL well meaning folks have said to you during your fresh start.
Meet Olivia
When Olivia got married at 26 and had two little boys, she sure as shit didn't think she would find herself signing divorce papers a mere 8 years later.
Meet Genevieve
Meet Genevieve, creative director and chief ops officer over at Fresh Starts Registry. She started over after 10 years with her partner and 6 years living with him. She walked away with her clothes, baking supplies and everything she’d pilfered from her grandmother.