Christine Borst & the Clarity of Your Wild

A Fresh Story, season 1, episode 13

What if you lived in alignment with the vibration of your life? How do you even start down that fresh start journey? We had the immense pleasure of chatting with our very own therapist, Dr. Christine Borst, about living in alignment with your higher self, divorce at a young age, finding and meeting her soul-mate, major career pivots and identity crises, and the role of spirituality and manifestation in our lives. 

She offers fantastic advice on how to begin again, finding your authentic self, and how to stay grounded on your fresh start journey. Plus, the amazing story of how she met her husband, also known as: the most romantic meet-cute we've ever heard. 

Christine Borst is a professor, licensed therapist, habit coach, artist, wife, and mom of three. She’s the podcast host of Alchemy of the Heart, and children's book author of many books, including For the Love of Organs: A Quasi-Educational Collection of Poems, Us: An Introduction to Pronouns, and Colorado Springs From A to Z. Her newest release is Atrocious Love: A Book of Poetry for Gently Disturbed Romantics

You can learn more about Christine and shop her creative empire on her website.


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