Conversations on Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Layla’s Story

A Fresh Story, season 4, episode 7

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and we’re honored to hold space for these profound stories. These stories may be of grief, but they are also of hope, resilience, and most of all, unconditional love. As a reminder, be gentle with your heart, and if you are not able to listen to this episode at the moment, we understand and we are holding you close. We know these conversations will change you as they have changed us.

Laura Malcolm is an innovator, and inventor, a founder, and a mother. Laura is the founder and CEO of Give InKind, which is a incredibly necessary platform to help normalize support for hard life moments (and good ones, too!), by eliminating the overwhelm of supporters coming together to help people through these moments. As you can imagine, we’re huge fans of Give InKind, so when the chance to talk to Laura came up for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I jumped at it. You see, Laura is a loss mom, her daughter Layla was stillborn on November 11th, 2013. And, it was Layla’s death that ultimately became the impetus for Laura and her husband to found Give InKind.

Laura and I talked about why community support is incredibly in tragedy, what it’s like to leave the hospital without your baby, how she honors Layla’s life and spends time with her these days, and the power of Give InKind to make sure no one feels alone during tragedy. I really appreciated Laura’s perspective on grief and life and honoring Layla.

Laura, thank you for using your experience with loss to make sure others don’t feel alone. And, thank you for sharing Layla with us. We will remember her always. You can read more about Layla in Laura’s own words here.

You can learn more about Laura and Give InKind on their platform, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


Conversations on Pregnancy and Infant Loss: The Experts Speak


Conversations on Pregnancy and Infant Loss: CJ’s Story