5 Fresh Tips to Learn How to Be Your Own Matchmaker with Matchmaker Jill Hinckley

Are you ready to start fresh romantically and be your own matchmaker? Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for being your own matchmaker with Matchmaker and Fresh Starts Expert, Jill Hinckley, foundr of Hinckley Introductions, a New England based Matchmaking and Dating Coaching agency. Jill is a Certified Matchmaker by the Matchmaking Institute and Certified Dating and Relationship Coach by the Global Love Institute.

You can learn more about Jill Hinckley on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to learn to be your own matchmaker:

  1. Prioritize yourself! People often come to me and they say they are too busy to meet new people, and that they have too much going on in their lives to slow down and put energy towards dating. I get it! Life can be a lot, but make sure that you're taking care of yourself and allowing room for that dream relationship to grow!

  2. Research ways to meet that special someone! It's easy to go on your phone and start opening all the apps that boast amazing success stories. Yes, it is possible to meet your person online or on apps, but there are so many other ways to meet people. Take some time each day to research all the different dating services and find a couple of them that match up with your budget, your level of comfort, and your expectations.

  3. Manifest your future partner! This one is fun! Sit down and spend some time thinking about your life, your core life values and what qualities you are looking for in a future partner. For example, if you are family oriented then you would be best matched up with someone else that is also family oriented. Not all your core life values need to match up with your partners, but it's important to have at least two or three that you share in common.

  4. Be confident! Being confident is the most powerful tool in your toolbox. Dating has so many challenges and disappointments, but when you're confident that it will work out, it will work out. I truly believe that if you are confident and love yourself you will be successful in your love life.

  5. Be proactive! Once you have decided that having a relationship is important to you and you've done the research, and you know what qualities you're looking for and your ready to take on the dating world, all you have to do is put yourself out there! You don't have to jump in with both feet, but make sure that you plan to do something each day to get you to your goal. It can be spending 15 minutes on an app, it can be responding to events that you have been invited to, it can be going on a coffee date or going on a walk with another single friend. If you look for love, you will find it!


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