Divorce Guide: 10 Questions to Ask a Potential Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process, and it is important to have an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer on your side. When interviewing potential divorce lawyers, there are a few key questions you should ask to ensure that you are getting the best possible representation. We’ve rounded up 10 of the top and best questions to ask a potential divorce attorney before signing any contracts and making any decisions!

What should I ask a potential divorce lawyer before working with them?

1. How long have you been practicing family law?

The length of time a lawyer has been practicing family law is an important factor to consider. You want to ensure that your lawyer has significant experience in handling divorce cases. Ask them how long they've been practicing family law, and what percentage of their cases are related to divorce. You should also ask about their success rate in handling divorce cases.

2. What is your area of expertise?

Some lawyers specialize in certain areas of family law, such as child custody, divorce mediation, or collaborative law. If you have a specific issue that you need help with, it is important to find a lawyer who has experience in that area.

3. Will you be the primary attorney on my case?

Some law firms have multiple attorneys, and it's essential to know who will be handling your case. Ask the lawyer if they will be the primary attorney on your case, or if someone else will be handling it. If someone else will be handling it, ask to meet with that attorney before signing a contract.

4. What is your fee structure?

Lawyers typically charge by the hour or on a retainer basis. It is important to understand how much you will be charged before you hire a lawyer.Ask about their hourly rate, how they bill for their services, and what their retainer fee is. You should also ask about any additional fees that may arise during the divorce process.

5. How will you communicate with me?

It is important to find a lawyer who is responsive to your calls and emails. You should also ask how often you can expect to meet with your lawyer.

6. What is your availability?

It's crucial to know how available your lawyer will be during the divorce process. Ask about their availability and how they communicate with their clients. Do they respond promptly to emails and phone calls? Will they be available for in-person meetings if needed?

7. What is your approach to divorce?

Some lawyers take a more aggressive approach to divorce, while others prefer to negotiate a settlement. It is important to find a lawyer who is willing to work with you to achieve your goals.

8. Can you provide me with references?

Asking for references is a great way to get feedback from other clients about a lawyer's experience and representation.

9. Do you feel comfortable representing me?

It is important to feel comfortable with your lawyer and to have confidence in their ability to represent you. If you do not feel comfortable with a lawyer, it is okay to find someone else.

10. What is your experience with alternative dispute resolution options?

Ask about the lawyer's experience with alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce. Understanding their willingness to explore these options can be beneficial in achieving a more amicable resolution.

It’s important to remember that…

Divorce is a difficult process, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. With the help of an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer, you can get through this difficult time and come out stronger on the other side. Don’t forget to reach out to any of our divorce coaches to prepare for your meetings. We’ve got you!


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