Navigating Tough Times Together: 10 Ways to Offer Support to Someone When You Have More Money Than Time

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words or actions when someone you care about is going through a rough patch? It's a familiar feeling for many of us, isn't it? We’re here to help – because we believe that community care is self care, and knowing how to support someone through hard times is both impactful for your people, and empowering for you! is Here are 10 simple ways you can offer support to those you love when life throws them a curveball.

10 ways to support someone through crappy times:

  1. Order them delivery, groceries or send money to go to dinner.

  2. Send flowers because seeing some beauty in your house is never a bad thing.

  3. Send money for a babysitter.

  4. Send coffee and treat money.

  5. Send a gift card for self-care: spas, salons, salt caves, nails or a sauna.

  6. Buying them something they need like new sheets, towels or a brand new toothbrush holder.

  7. Sending them something to wear or take care of themselves - crystals, candles, a fluffy robe.

  8. Send them something they wouldn’t buy themselves like fancy ice cream or chocolate - something they would love but wouldn’t spring for on their own account.

  9. Paying for a cleaning or laundry service.

  10. Sending craft, art, or hobby supplies for them, their kids, or both!


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