The Fresh Starts Registry Expert Guide

The fastest growing network & guide of divorce professionals.

Looking to Connect with clients seeking trusted divorce advice and guidance?

Of course you are. The Fresh Starts Expert Guide is the fastest growing resource for people seeking trusted and vetted divorce attorneys, mortgage lenders, divorce coaches, therapists and real estate agents.

Fresh Starts is the place to be.

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1,300,000+ visits since 2021

60,000+ visits a month

Fresh Starts is highly visible:

1,500+ pieces of press coverage

Organic audience of 10 billion+

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The Fresh Starts Expert Community
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2 Co-Working hours a week

2 hours of hot seat coaching weekly

Weekly “Get Shit Done” Hour

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Monthly Fresh Starts Workshops

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Access to content library with over 200 documents

Expert Workshops

Access to video library with over 50 hours of video

Have events featured in our newsletter with 4,000+ subscribers and a +56% open rate

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Expert Guide Listing

$25.00 every month

Expert Listing
Membership Benefits

✓ A listing on the Fresh Starts Expert Guide

✓ An SEO-optimized personalized profile

✓ Priority access to cohorts, classes and webinars

✓ Exclusive discounts for cohorts, classes and webinars

Expert Guide Listing & Community

$55.00 every month

Expert Listing Membership Benefits

✓ A listing on the Fresh Starts Expert Guide

✓ An SEO-optimized personalized profile

✓ Priority access to cohorts, classes and webinars

✓ Exclusive discounts for cohorts, classes and webinars

PLUS all
Community Membership Benefits

✓ Press Opportunities hand selected for you (compare to Qwoted, $1,800/year)

✓ 2 Co-Working hours a week

✓ 2 hours of hot seat coaching weekly

✓ Weekly “Get Shit Done” Hour

✓ Podcast Guesting Opportunities

✓ Networking Opportunities

✓ Lunch and Learns

✓ Expert Workshops

✓ Monthly Fresh Starts Workshops

✓ Article submission and publication

✓ Access to content library with over 200 documents

✓ Access to video library with over 50 hours of video

✓ Have events featured in our newsletter with 4,900+ subscribers and a +56% open rate

Abstract watercolor painting with blue and green hues.

I just wanted to send a huge thank you to Olivia and Jenny for providing me with so much value in my just first week in the Fresh Start community. I joined their community power hour and in less than 30 minutes, I had an email marketing plan to promote my new cookbook AND a new elevator pitch and tagline. I can't wait to tap in to all they have to offer.

Expand your reach.

Connect with a wider client base by leveraging our network of potential clients seeking trusted divorce support.

About Fresh Starts

Olivia and Jenny, Fresh Starts Cofounders

Olivia Howell and Jenny Dreizen, Cofounders

In 2020, after her divorce, Olivia wanted to create a system of support for the moments in life when we start over. Alongside her sister, Jenny Dreizen, Olivia founded Fresh Starts Registry, and since then, it has been named the “the first divorce registry of its kind” by Forbes. It has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, Forbes, The Cut, The New York Post, and more

Fresh Starts Registry is the first registry and online platform for everything a person needs to begin their life again after a major life change, such as divorce, job changes, moving, or coming out. They provide a free registry builder and bundles of products based on rooms of the house and budget to eliminate the overwhelm of creating a registry for restarting their life. The platform features 100+ vetted Experts in all categories to support people in all processes of their life changes. It is always free to build a registry and access the experts. Fresh Starts aims to eliminate the overwhelming feeling of starting your life over again with all the home items and Experts you need to empower you on your journey forward.

As seen in—

Get listed. Get connected.

Our CEO, Olivia Howell, offers free consultation services for those looking for divorce support every day. She connects them to family law attorneys, mediators, realtors, therapists, coaches and many other service providers needed to support them through their divorce on a daily basis.



Abstract contour lines on a dark teal background, resembling a topographic map.

I absolutely love being a part of the Fresh Starts expert community and have had really valuable opportunities to increase my visibility.

Jo-Anne Suriel, reiki healer and sound practitioner

Abstract teal topographic lines pattern

Being included as an Fresh Starts Expert has been really beneficial for my business and my professional growth. It's nice to have a network of experts at hand who are committed to helping people with new opportunities in life and who have great insights into the process of beginning. It's given me the opportunity to learn from experts in other areas and share that info with my clients.

- Bonnie Scott, therapist  

Abstract topographic map pattern with white contour lines on a green background.

The launch of the Divorce Consult Service has been a game-changer for my business. Through this program, I’ve connected with numerous new clients, which has been both personally and professionally rewarding. I’m forever grateful for Fresh Starts and all they do to support professionals like me!

- Lisa Happ, Divorce Coach

Be seen where it matters most.

A listing in the Fresh Starts Expert Guide

An SEO Optimized personalized profile

Priority access to cohorts, classes and webinars

Exclusive discounts on cohorts, classes and webinars

Expert Guide Listing
Every month
Every year