Tapping Into Your Anxiety

It’s no secret that everyone seems to be a little anxious these days. So, how can tapping help your anxiety when you’re feeling out of control and anxious? We turned to EFT (emotional freedom technique) expert, Kristen Curtis, for some answers. Kristen helps adults and children use tapping to calm their nervous system, for anxiety, sleep issues, and so much more. Check out this post to learn more about Tapping 101!

So, how can tapping help anxiety? Here’s what Kristen said:

Tapping is a tool that regulates the nervous system. It brings you back into a calm, manageable state of alignment and the more you tap, the calmer you become. Anxiety isn't just something that is felt in our minds! Anxiety is felt with the whole body.

It is important to identify where anxiety is felt in the body. For example, it’s always a racing heart for me. Then we tap on the identified symptom in the body. When we can change the state of the symptoms, our brain follows suit. Anxiety can be something that creeps up on you quickly and its important to remember to get those fingertips on the tapping points right away. You can even tap on the anxiety of worrying about getting anxiety.

Tapping frequently, even when your anxiety isn't bothering you, allows your nervous system to be in a more relaxed state so your body is more prepared for situations that can give you anxiety and the severity of those physical symptoms will decrease or even disappear. The more specific you are with your symptoms while tapping, the more effective it will be. Tapping also reduces cortisol levels (stress hormones) in the body just by tapping the points without having to say anything.

Curious to try this with Kristen? Contact Kristen for a free 30 minute consult - and any Fresh Starts Registry reader gets 15% off Kristen’s services.


How to Use Tapping for Manifestation


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