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Getting Started on Your Organizing Journey: 3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Organizer
Going through life transitions and brave decisions can be really overwhelming, so we’ve found that a major way to ease the anxiety, is to hire a professional organizer! Fresh Starts Experts, Briana and Erica Spruille, and founders of Just BE LLC Organizing, are here to tell you why hiring an organizer is essential for any Fresh Start in life!

How can I do the Conscious Uncoupling Work?
Conscious Uncoupling is a concept coined by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas. Fresh Starts Expert and Conscious Uncoupling Certified Coach Susan Dumbarton outlines how you can do the conscious uncoupling work to navigate separation and divorce in a more amicable, loving and respectful way.

Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After Divorce
Conscious Uncoupling is a concept coined by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas. Fresh Starts Expert and Conscious Uncoupling Certified Coach Susan Dumbarton outlines a 5 Step Program to help individuals navigate separation and divorce in a more amicable, loving and respectful way. It also highlights the importance of keeping children’s best interests at the forefront.

How to Start Fresh in the New Year After a Breakup
How can you start fresh after a breakup? Here at Fresh Starts, we believe that the “new year” can be anytime of the year - a new year simply begins when you make a brave decision, and sometimes that brave decision includes ending a relationship. So, how can you start fresh after a breakup? We asked some of the amazing Fresh Starts Experts for their insight, and here’s what they had to say.

5 Reasons to Become a Fresh Starts Expert
Have you been considering joining the Fresh Starts Expert Community? There’s no other community like it! Here are 5 reasons to become a Fresh Starts Expert.

Free Hypnosis for Anxiety and Stress Relief? Yes, please!
Have you ever tried hypnotherapy? We hadn’t even heard of it until we started working with hypnotherapist and business coach, Julie Costa! Julie helps entrepreneurs and small business owners ditch the mindset blocks that hold them back and grow their businesses through aligned business strategy, social media visibility + mindset mastery. Check out this free hypnosis to ditch anxiety and stress!

Why Tapping Helps You Through a Life Change
Heading down a Fresh Start path can sometimes be a little nerve wracking - we get it, we’ve been there! How can you quell your anxiety and nerves during a major life change? We asked EFT (emotional freedom technique) Tapping Expert Kristen Curtis how people can use tapping to feel less nervous and more empowered during a Fresh Start in their life. Don’t forget, you can schedule a free 30 minute call with Kristen here, and Fresh Starts readers get 15% off her amazing tapping and core clearing services.

How to Use Tapping for Manifestation
Did you know you can use tapping to help tap into your manifestation? It’s true! We asked EFT (emotional freedom technique) expert Kristen Curtis how to use tapping for manifesting the life our of dreams - and here’s what she said! Don’t forget, you can schedule a free 30 minute call with Kristen here, and Fresh Starts readers get 15% off her amazing tapping and core clearing services. Check out how to use tapping for manifestation.

Tapping Into Your Anxiety
It’s no secret that everyone seems to be a little anxious these days. So, how can tapping help your anxiety when you’re feeling out of control and anxious? We turned to EFT (emotional freedom technique) expert, Kristen Curtis, for some answers. Kristen helps adults and children use tapping to calm their nervous system, for anxiety, sleep issues, and so much more. Check out how tapping can help with anxiety in this post.

A Simple Ritual to Strengthen Your Heart Chakra
The chakras are part of an ancient system of reading energy developed in India, although many cultures throughout the world have recognized and used these energy vortexes within the body for healing purposes. The word chakra is derived from Sanskrit and means “wheel” as these energy centers can be visualized as making a swirling motion. There are seven main chakras in the human body and each represents a different aspect of the self. The heart chakra is associated with love, including self-love, joy, and compassion.