We’ve got you (for free!)

Free Webinar:

Empowering Parents and Teens to Embrace Leadership

with Life Coach for Teens & Teen Leadership Coach, Lorraine Connell

Join us for a FREE workshop on September 25, 1:00 PM ET over Zoom. Grab a cup of coffee, come say hi, and learn new strategies to find clarity and calm! Can’t make it at that time? A recording will be sent to anyone who signs up.

Empowering Parents and Teens to Embrace Leadership

with Life Coach for Teens & Teen Leadership Coach, Lorraine Connell

Who are the leaders in your life? As a parent, do you see yourself as a leader for your children? In this interactive session, designed for both parents and teens, we will debunk common myths about leadership and explore how every individual can embrace their inner leader.

In this workshop, you will discover:

  • Why you are the most important leader in your child’s life.

  • How your children are already leaders in their own right.

  • The true definitions and expectations of leadership.

  • Why feelings of impostor syndrome can hinder you from stepping into your leadership potential.

As a teen leadership coach, I am dedicated to empowering all teens, including those labeled as shy, difficult, or disorganized, to recognize their value and leadership abilities. This session will help you and your teens understand the challenges of stepping out of comfort zones and the incredible growth that comes from helping others.

Don’t spend another moment doubting your leadership abilities. Join us to uncover and embrace the leader within you!

Sign up here for the FREE workshop!

Lorraine is an experienced educator with over two decades of teaching high school students, during which she developed skills in teen peer mentoring. Specializing in social and emotional learning, she has developed an innovative curriculum aimed at enhancing empathy, self-confidence, problem-solving, and decision-making skills crucial for effective leadership among young adults.