Welcome to

The Fresh Starts Community

We have a bunch of ways you can come join us! Check them out!

We are so excited to have 5 different options so you can get involved with the Fresh Starts Community. Our communities are places for businesses to thrive, accountability to be found and networking and support to shine. If you’re interested in Support or Networking groups please check out our Support Group Round Up!

Memberships for Life:

For anyone looking for community, support and accountability

A Fresh Start to the Week

Investment: $10/month

Who this is for: Anyone looking to jump start their week with a little structure, accountability and community.

Join us on Mondays to set your week up for success with some accountability, some community and a lot of muppets, probably.


Weekly Circle

Investment: $15/month

Who this is for: Anyone looking for a supportive community to find a little support and a lot of connection.

Join us for our Weekly Circle, led by certified clinical hypnotherapist and life and success coach, and Fresh Starts cofounder, Olivia Howell.


Community Bundle

Investment: $30/month

Who this is for: Anyone looking for a supportive community to find a little support and a lot of connection, accountability, and a jump start to their week on both ends.


Weekly A Fresh Start to the Week

Weekly Circle

Weekly “Get Your Shit Together” Hour

Memberships for Work:

For business owners, freelancers, work from home-rs and Support Experts

Fresh Starts Collective

Investment: $35/month

Who this is for: Anyone looking to join a vibrant professional community for accountability, networking, coworking, and support.


Weekly A Fresh Start to the Week

2 Co-Working hours a week

2 Open Office hours a week

Weekly Writing Circle

Monthly Networking Opportunities

Lunch and Learns

Expert Workshops

Monthly Fresh Starts Workshops

Cohort Priority

Cohort Discounts

Access to content library with over 200 worksheet pages

Does Not Include

SEO Optimized Custom Profile

Listing on Fresh Starts Expert Guide

Press Opportunities

Access to video library with over 50 hours of video

Personal podcast episode on Fresh Starts' Five Fresh Tips Podcast

An Instagram Live to connect with the Fresh Starts Community

Article submission and publication

Submit support and networking groups to The Support Group Round Up

❌ Opportunity to host exclusive Experts-only virtual webinar or workshop 

❌ Opportunity to host public virtual Zoom webinars or workshops

Opportunity to develop social media and SEO optimized content to bolster your brand

Fresh Starts Expert

Investment: $55/month

Who this is for: Support professionals who are looking for a vibrant professional community, to reach more clients and to have opportunity to be featured in the press.


Weekly A Fresh Start to the Week

SEO Optimized Custom Profile

Listing on Fresh Starts Expert Guide

Press Opportunities

Weekly A Fresh Start to the Week

2 Co-Working hours a week

2 Open Office hours a week

Weekly Writing Circle

Monthly Networking Opportunities

Lunch and Learns

Expert Workshops

Monthly Fresh Starts Workshops

Cohort Priority

Cohort Discounts

Access to content library with over 200 docs

Access to video library with over 50 hours of video

Have events featured in our newsletter with 3,000 subscribers and a +56% open rate

Personal podcast episode on Fresh Starts' Five Fresh Tips Podcast

An Instagram Live to connect with the Fresh Starts Community

Article submission and publication

Submit support and networking groups to The Support Group Round Up

✅ Opportunity to host exclusive Experts-only virtual webinar or workshop 

✅ Opportunity to host public virtual Zoom webinars or workshops

✅ Opportunity to develop social media and SEO optimized content to bolster your brand

Co-founder and CEO Olivia Howell walks you through the community levels!