fresh starts registry & are thrilled to introduce you to

The Divorce Announcement

Fresh Starts Registry and are taking back our divorce stories this June with the Divorce Announcement. Whether you're considering announcing your divorce or ready to get the word out there, we'll be supporting you with a podcast season, education, and lots of content this June to celebrate the empowerment of The Divorce Announcement.

A card on a beige surface with green leaf designs announces "The Divorce Announcement," dated June 3, 2024, with "fresh starts registry" and a website link.
Invitation card with leafy design, announcing "The Divorce Announcement" on June 3, 2024, hosted by Fresh Starts Registry and
Person holding a card with a floral design featuring text about a divorce announcement scheduled for June 3, 2024. Includes the phrase "fresh starts registry."

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Are you ready to share your divorce announcement? We want to hype you up! If and when you choose to share, use the hashtag #MyDivorceStory so we can celebrate your fresh start with you!

Divorced AF Merch

Because there is no shame in pursing your joy.