Gabrielle Stone & the Diary of Metamorphosis

A Fresh Story, season 2, episode 1

We chatted with author, and award-winning actress, writer, and director, Gabrielle Stone, about how she took a massive heartbreak and turned it into a best-selling book, podcast, and movement. We talked about the transformation after divorce, traveling alone through the world, her journey writing Eat, Pray, #FML, and how she healed herself through creativity, wisdom, and empowering others. It’s a gorgeous, honest, and vulnerable conversation about turning heartbreak into humor, and everything in between.

Gabrielle Stone is no stranger to the world of entertainment and the idea of a fresh start in life. Growing up on set with her legendary scream-queen mother, Dee Wallace, she had days of licking off mommy’s fake blood and watching behind the scenes movie magic. Seeing the world with mom and dad gave her the travel bug at an early age—until Gabrielle experienced a real-life horror when she lost her father suddenly at age seven.

After many years in the industry herself, Stone transitioned from meaty acting roles to writing and directing. Her award-winning films It Happened Again Last Night and After Emma gained her awards for writing, directing, and acting—but she had a bigger role in life that would soon present itself: freaking badass.

After the rug was vigorously pulled out from under her when her husband’s affair came to light, she found herself falling into the arms of another man. After a second failed attempt at love and a massive heartbreak, she decided that instead of landing flat on her ass—she’d make a career out of it.

 And so came the birth of the book Eat, Pray, #FML, where she shared all the mistakes, all the lessons, and most importantly, how she became a fearless leader from it all.

When fans around the world demanded more, the highly anticipated sequel, The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl, and the podcast FML Talk were born—and Gabrielle soon realized that her broken heart had bloomed a movement.

You can read Eat, Pray, #FML here, listen to the audiobook here, read The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl: Eat, Pray, #FML, Book 2 here, listen to The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl: Eat, Pray, #FML, Book 2 here. Learn more about Gabrielle Stone on her website, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and FML Talk Podcast.


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