Sincerely with Abby Furey

Life Coach

Abby Furey | she/her/hers


☎️: 617.290.8275

instagram: SincerelyWithAbby

📍Holliston, Massachusetts | Remote ✅ (via Zoom!)

A little about Abby…

In my private practice, Sincerely with Abby Furey, I offer Life Coaching and Business Mentoring services. I help women stop waiting for things to slow down - because they never do - and take control of their time and priorities now, while they’re living their full and precious lives. Additionally, I support small businesses through monthly and quarterly business strategy sessions, providing structure to business foundations and progress.


Life Coach cert IAP College expected Jan 5, 2024


I have been working in some way with Abby for about 2.5 years. Even prior to a more formal coaching relationship, Abby was a great confidant and has a keen business sense from her previous career experience. Over the last year we have had a more formal coaching relationship. Abby has supported me and my private practice business in many ways. She is wonderful at meeting me where I am at, listening to what’s working and what’s not and then creating clear action steps to move forward. She’s kind, funny and is able to wrap her mind around tasks in a way that can be challenging when you’re on the “inside” of your business. I sing her praises whenever I can and look to continued friendship and business connection! - Sarah Baroud, LICSW

Abby and I started working together on time management earlier this year. She navigated ways that I can show up during my days to get A,B,& C done, whether it was related to my current employment or even house management and maintenance. Next we worked together relating to navigating life post covid: relationships, being a mom, and showing up not only for others, but for ourselves as well. She helped me pinpoint the necessities I need in my day to make me feel like I'm loving and taking care of myself. Our most recent session was my favorite. Abby really listened to how I was feeling stuck, where I was feeling stuck, and why I wanted growth outside of what I was doing. She provided space for my clarity and confidence to step out and take action steps towards my goal! - Dawn Richardson, Yoga Instructor, Aesthetician and Entrepreneur

Abby is the coach version of a jack of all trades – and she also happens to be master of all of them. Really. She has been able to consistently and successfully pivot – sometimes mid-meeting! - to meet me where I was at any given time in my life and my work with her has ranged from professional career coaching to personal time management. She truly excels in either arena. I have witnessed women entrepreneurs in our mutual network flourish under her guidance which is a special, and necessary, combination of grit and grace. She is an honest cheerleader and provides real accountability, if you’re willing to commit to growth, no matter how incremental or small it may seem to you. Regardless of your age or stage, Abby is ready to partner with you step by step, and actually feel good about it along the way. - Heather Coulter Kemp, Chief of Staff, WellWithAll


RN Esthetics


Indiglow Soul