What to say to your friend who is undergoing gender reassignment surgery

These scripts should serve as a guide for tough, trying, and tremendous life moments.

We’re here to support you in supporting your people. We’re proud of you. And we’ve got you.

Here’s what to say when you don’t know what to say.

My sweet friend, what a special decision you've made. I am so proud of you for making a choice that will bring you closer to feeling like your truest self. You deserve to feel at home in your body. Surgery of any kind is overwhelming and scary, adding to this, the significance of this surgery, and I see what a big and maybe emotional circumstance this is! Please let me know how I can best support you pre and post surgery. I am always, always here for you and want to show up in the way you need me most right now! So proud of you, so happy for you and love you so much!

Text these scripts, email them, leave them as a voicemail, or as the basis of a phone call or conversation in person. These scripts can be used over and over and across all platforms. We hope they help. We want to support you so that you can support your people.


What to say to your friend who is waiting to see if they're miscarrying or have miscarried


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