Virtual Co-Working: Why We Think You Need It!

Let's face it, working from home can be a dream come true... or a productivity nightmare. Sure, there's the allure of staying in your PJs (we won't judge) and ditching the commute, but feeling isolated and lacking focus can quickly turn that dream into a nap.

Enter virtual coworking: your knight in shining armor (or should we say sweatpants?) for a more fulfilling work-from-home experience. It's like having a cool coffee shop vibe, minus the burnt toast smell and endless latte line, all accessible from your desk (or couch, no judgment here).

But what exactly is virtual coworking?

Imagine a co-working space, but instead of trendy furniture and beanbag chairs, you have a fancy online platform. Here, you'll find a community of remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads all logging in to get things done, together (virtually, of course).

So, why should you ditch the solo work-from-home struggle and join the virtual coworking crew?

1. Buddy Up for Focus: Let's be honest, staying glued to your computer all day can be, well, glue-inducing. Virtual coworking sessions pair you up with a fellow focus fighter for timed work sprints. The magic lies in the "body doubling" effect – having someone else virtually working alongside you boosts motivation and keeps you accountable. Think of it as having a cheerleader in your corner, silently willing you to crush that to-do list.

2. Bye-Bye Isolation Blues: Feeling like a social butterfly stuck in a social cocoon? Virtual coworking platforms often have chat rooms and social events where you can connect with other remote workers. Share your wins (or struggles) with like-minded folks, swap productivity tips, or simply enjoy the camaraderie. It's a great way to combat the feeling of isolation that can creep in when working from home.

3. Structure Your Day, Your Way: Working from home can easily turn into working whenever-you-feel-like-it-ing, which isn't always the recipe for success. Virtual coworking platforms often offer structured work sessions throughout the day. You can choose sessions that fit your schedule, giving your workday a much-needed sense of routine and purpose.

4. PJs Optional, Productivity Mandatory: While virtual coworking embraces the flexibility of remote work, it also injects a dose of healthy accountability. Knowing you'll be "meeting" your virtual work buddy can be a powerful motivator to ditch the PJs (or not, we still won't judge) and actually get down to business.

5. The World is Your Coworking Space: Unlike physical co-working spaces, virtual platforms connect you with remote workers worldwide. Collaborate with someone in California while you sip your morning coffee in London. The possibilities for networking and learning from diverse perspectives are endless.

Ready to ditch the work-from-home blues and give virtual coworking a try? There are plenty of platforms out there, each with its own unique features. Do some research, grab your favorite mug (or juice box, no judgment!), and get ready to experience a whole new level of remote work productivity (and fun!).

Did you know Fresh Starts offers three community levels? From Monday morning accountability to 6 sessions a week of coworking, hot seat coaching and…like, so much more. Check them out!


Conquering the Solopreneur Blues: How Virtual Coworking Can Be Your Social BFF


Body Doubling: Let’s Talk About It!