Weekly Circle Community Guidelines & Terms

Welcome to our supportive and empowering group coaching circle! This is a space for growth, learning, and accountability as we work towards our goals together.

Please note:

  • While this coaching circle offers support and guidance, it is not a substitute for therapy.

  • Fresh Starts reserves the right to remove anyone from the weekly Zoom sessions and/or revoke their membership for any reason they deem fit - particularly acting outside of the community guidelines laid out below.

To foster a safe and positive environment for everyone, let's agree to the following guidelines:

Respect and Confidentiality:

  • Treat all members with respect, even if you disagree with their opinions or experiences.

  • Maintain confidentiality by keeping what is shared within the circle private.

  • Avoid gossip or negativity directed towards other members.

Active Participation and Listening:

  • Come prepared to share your challenges and insights.

  • Practice active listening and offer support to your fellow members.

  • Be mindful of interrupting others and allow everyone a chance to speak.

Openness and Growth:

  • Be open to feedback and different perspectives.

  • Acknowledge your successes and celebrate those of others.

  • Focus on personal growth and solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Focus and Boundaries:

  • Our Circle is designed for personal development, not therapy.

  • If you require therapeutic support, we encourage you to reach out to a licensed professional.


  • If participating virtually, please ensure a quiet and distraction-free space.

  • Mute your microphone when not speaking to avoid background noise.


  • We are all on our own journeys.

  • Be kind to yourself and others.

  • Let's build a supportive and encouraging community!