5 Fresh Tips to help you Organize Your Closet with Shantae Duckworth

Are you ready to organize your home? Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for Organizing Your Closet with professional home organizer and Fresh Starts Expert, Shantae Duckworth. Shantae is a home organizer that specializes in decluttering and repurposing items. Her claim to fame is that most of her clients don't have to spend any additional money to become organized.

As one client says, “Shantae has the exceptional ability to effortlessly guide you through the process of organization while honoring your goals, with absolutely no judgement. Her positive energy was contagious, and she neutralized my stress about undertaking a major organizational quest to conquer my out of control attic. From start to finish Shantae was professional, skilled, and a pleasure to work with. Hire her or gift her services to friends and family, and the payoff is invaluable: improved efficiency and mental health, knowing you're in control of your environment.”

You can learn more about Shantae on her Fresh Starts profile, and follow her on Instagram for more tips.

5 Fresh Tips to help you Organize Your Closet:

  1. Set time in your calendar and the day of to set your mind at ease. When you have a time set it helps you to curb other distractions, and you can mentality prepare. The day of organizing, light a candle, meditate, open a window, play some soothing music, journal about the upcoming session, or whatever helps to calm your mind.

  2. Pull everything out from the closet, and I mean everything. You will be surprised what is hiding in the back of the closet! That sweater you've been looking for? The blanket that has collected dust? Yep, all of it. The closet should be clear of everything. This will help you to imagine the set-up for your space with open eyes. You can’t see the possibilities with the chaos in the way.

  3. Measure your space for items you may need to purchase. This will prevent returns and over spending.  Also play around with bins and containers you want to repurpose. A clean slate invites creativity to the mind. Let your imagination run wild.

  4. Start editing your items. Determine what you want to keep, donate, or discard. With the items you want to keep, make sure like-items are organized together, as this will help you to see what you have once its back in the closet.

  5. Put items back into the closet. If it is clothes or towels, I recommend color coordinating. Other items, I would store based on how often I use them (frequently used items should be displayed in the front) and on lower shelves. Rotate seasonal clothing if needed. Keep like items together to keep track of what you have.

Find Shantae Duckworth on The Fresh Starts Expert Guide, on instagram at shantaeizeyourspace and always reach out if you have any questions!


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