5 Fresh Tips to Help You Pivot With Purpose with Career Coach Arissan Nicole

Learning how to pivot with purpose can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for learning how to pivot with purpose with career coach Arissan Nicole.

Arissan is a career and mindset coach helping women approach the job search process from the inside out. She believes finding the job of your dreams begins with understanding yourself first. Coming from a background of multiple career pivots, she has traversed switching industries with no idea what she wanted to do or a network to support her. She knows what it feels like to work until burnout, be under-resourced, overworked, and underpaid. Now, through 1:1 coaching and workshops, she is using her knowledge and expertise to help women who are exhausted, overwhelmed, and unhappy at their job find the confidence they need to make a career change.

As one of Arissan’s clients says, “Arissan Nicole is an incredible coach. As a result of our work together I made over $20,000 in my new business. She gave excellent, excellent advice and I frequently felt like she had the perfect balance of getting into the emotional mindset stuff and getting into the really practical things that actually lead to results. So, anyone looking for a career coach, I highly, highly recommend her.

You can learn more about Arissan Nicole on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to pivot with purpose:

  1. Don’t opt yourself out - there are a myriad of reasons why a lot of women, especially women of color don’t put themselves out there and take risks or go for the big jobs and I like to remind them 95% of those reasons are rooted in patriarchal white supremacy. You are going to get a lot of no’s, things will not always be easy but DO NOT be the one to opt yourself out. Take a chance on yourself, apply for that job that scares the shit out of you, reach out to that person you admire. A 2018 Gender Insights Report by LinkedIn found that when applying for jobs women tend to screen themselves out of the conversation and end up applying to 20% fewer jobs than men! However, when women do apply to a job, they are 16% more likely than men to get hired. In fact, if the role is more senior than their current position, that number goes up to 18%. There are a lot of people that are going to shoot you down or count you out, don’t be that person to yourself because magic can happen when you opt yourself in.

  2. Say yes to curiosity - I am a big lover of the word ‘no’ and boundaries, however I tell folks when they are starting over, looking to make a big transition but are still in that uncertainty phase, to become a yes person. Becoming a yes person signals to the universe you are open and ready for change. You also are still exploring and learning what it is you enjoy and you can’t go wrong following your curiosity. It doesn’t have to make sense, it doesn’t have to follow a certain path, just say yes to things that open you to new possibilities.

  3. Follow what you love, not what you’re good at - this is a lesson I learned at the beginning of my career. I was in a job that checked a lot of the boxes, I traveled the world, I worked with great people, I was really good at my job, and I was absolutely miserable. First thing people do when updating their resume is highlight the things they do and are really good at, without asking themselves if they even enjoy those things. Just because you are good at something, doesn’t mean you have to do it, especially if it fills you with dread. Highlighting those things at the top of your resume will just attract more of the jobs that don’t fulfill you. So that is why I always ask my clients what are the things you love doing, what puts you in a flow state, and we find a career based on those things.

  4. Have an empowered dating mentality - I tell folks to approach the job search process like you would the dating process. Don’t ignore the red flags when applying and interviewing for a job. You don’t swipe right and spark up a convo with every single person on the dating app, so don’t go doing that when applying, because you’re going to be exhausted. You also have a say on whether or not YOU want to continue seeing a company, don’t give them all the power. I know folks that will apply for a job they actually don’t want, not get it and then start questioning their worth and I’m like HELLO stop punishing yourself you didn’t even like this person they had bad breath and were rude to the waiter. Be an empowered dater when it comes to making career pivots.

  5. Know your numbers - it is imperative you know your numbers. Create a budget, understand not just the money coming in but the money going out. How much money do you need to survive? How much money do you want? In the next 5 years, are there big purchases you are going to want to make? Crunch the numbers and know those amounts. I see so many folks make decisions from a place of financial scarcity without first really understanding their money. The awareness around your money will allow you to make more informed and empowered decisions in both your life and career. It does not have to be scary, you don’t have to make it complicated. The first time I did a budget, I hand wrote my expenses on a piece of paper and used a google template. Release the stigma and shame and get intimate with your money.


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