5 Fresh Tips to Help You Start Responding Instead of Reacting to Your Family with Parent Coach, Stephanie Rosenfield

Learning how to stop reacting and start responding to your family can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for learning how to start responding instead of reacting to your family with parent coach, Stephanie Rosenfield.

Stephanie Rosenfield is a parent coach who helps parents stay calm AF and not lose their cool! She helps parents live an intentional life that they love, one that they are excited to wake up to. She does this by helping them embrace their individuality and build healthy relationships with their kids and spouse.

As one of Stephanie’s clients says, “The way my children react towards me changed. If you’re frustrated or yelling, Steph rewires your thinking and gives you wings you didn’t know you had!

You can learn more about Stephanie Rosenfield on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to stop reacting and start responding to your family:

  1. Put yourself in their shoes. What influences you to listen to someone? What are the non-verbal cues that work best? Tone of voice, eye contact, facial expression, body language. How do you respond when someone has a short tone, is multi-tasking and yells at you from across the room? Example of when you are in the middle of something and your partner comes over and uses one vs the other. Focus on your non-verbal cues when approaching your kids the first time.

  2. Cognitive bias. What are you already thinking and finding evidence for? They never listen? They are disrespectful? No one ever listens to me? What you think drives how you feel and influences how you react. Your brain goes to work finding evidence that supports your beliefs it cherry picks info and ignores the rest. Example of mom client who was told she has well behaved kids but came up with reasons why they aren't. There is evidence that they do listen, that they do respect you, build up the evidence and practice supporting it.

  3. Control. Kids are told what to do all day every day by lots of people. they have so little control over their lives. In a situation ask yourself: how can I give them control or autonomy in this situation? Can I let them watch the show for 2 more mins until it's over? Can they put their shoes on in the car?

  4. Let go. No it doesn't matter if they eat breakfast in the morning or are hungry. or wear their jacket outside when it's freezing. let them lean from their own mistakes. let go of the sink full of dishes and eat your lunch first. what balls are glass and what are rubber - what can you let bounce to the floor that will pop back up and what will break?

  5. Freeze! In the moment, when you feel that rush of anger, your chest tighten, your fact get hot: freeze and label how you feel.


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