5 Fresh Tips to Help You Land on Your Feet After a Major Transition or Reinvention with Reinvention & Transitions Coach Meg Trucano

Learning how to land on your feet after a major transition can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you land on your feet after a major transition or reinvention with reinvention and transitions coach Meg Trucano.

I am a reinvention & transitions coach for women. A psychologist by training, I specialize in empowering women to embrace change, transition, and reinvention by aligning their resources (time, energy, attention, money, space) with their deepest, most authentic desires--and get exactly what they want. My clients are hard-working women have reached a point of success in their careers, but they find themselves feeling weary, exhausted, or empty and seek that “something else” to bring more meaning, purpose, and authenticity into their lives. Through my coaching, I help my clients find the clarity, contentment, and momentum to reclaim the vision they once had for their one wild and precious lives.

You can learn more about Meg Trucano on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help grow you land on your feet after a major transition:

  1. Acknowledge that you are not crazy, making things up, or being dramatic if you are feeling like things aren’t quite right, or if you need a change. That’s your intuition talking, but people socialized as women are often conditioned by society and by the expectations of others to suppress their "drama," and are criticized for "overthinking" things when they feel that something is off. In reality, the feeling that something is off is our subconscious running up a red flag that we are out of alignment with what we truly believe in or want for ourselves.

  2. Whether you are switching careers or reinventing another major part of your life, trust that you can land on your feet on the other side of that major change. There are scores of women who have left toxic relationships, unsupportive friendships, and terrible jobs. They are now thriving, and look back only to realize they wish they’d made the leap sooner. Trust your own ability to adapt to change.

  3. Find your support crew. These will be people that will encourage you and support you, whatever that change looks like. Hopefully, these people are the ones closest to you–family, friends, your community–but sometimes, these are the people who will resist your change the most. Be mindful that your support crew may look differently than you hope, but there are people out there who will support you through whatever changes you want to make. And don’t forget that there are likely others just like yourself who want to change in a similar way to you–find those people and support each other.

  4. Believe that your happiness and well-being are worth something, both to you and to the rest of the world. Don’t fall for the trap of believing that what you want should come after everyone else’s needs and wants. Your wellbeing shouldn’t be an afterthought, something to “get to” once everything else has been ticked off of your to-do list. You have a right to be here. You have a right to take up space. You have a right to show up as the best version of yourself. And when you do show up as the best version of yourself, the world benefits.

  5. Realize that wanting something more in your life does not make you selfish for wanting it OR ungrateful for what you already have. Cultivate a gratitude practice to ground yourself in the comfort of what you do have, and savor that frequently. Do this while at the same time acknowledging that there is more in this life for you if you want it, and have the courage to pursue it. Oh, and don’t forget to have FUN with it–the possibilities for you are truly boundless and infinite.


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