Five Fresh Tips Blogposts
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5 Fresh Tips to Infuse Mindfulness Into Your Day with Energy Healer Jo-Anne Suriel
Knowing how to infuse mindfulness throughout the day can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for infusing mindfulness throughout your day with energy healer, Jo-Anne Suriel. Jo-Anne is a certified Reiki Master and Akashic Records Reader. In her practice, she tunes into each client’s unique needs to help them remember their own innate and courageous healing power.
5 Fresh Tips to Build Ritual Throughout Your Day with Yoga Teacher Ali Plante
Knowing how to build ritual throughout the day can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for building ritual throughout your day with yoga teacher, Ali Plante. Ali is a private or small group yoga instructor. She specializes in yoga for women, yoga for beginners, and adapting yoga philosophy into everyday life.
5 Fresh Tips to Help You Manage Stress Throughout Your Day with Spiritual Empowerment Practitioner Kristen Curtis
Knowing how to manage your stress throughout the day can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for managing stress throughout your day with spiritual empowerment practitioner, Kristen Curtis.