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10 TV Shows To Watch When You're Feeling Depressed
Fresh Starts Registry Fresh Starts Registry

10 TV Shows To Watch When You're Feeling Depressed

Sometimes we all just need to check out of life for a while, whether you’re going through a depression, having a difficult time, or just need to hide from the world – we get it, we’ve been there! Here’s our list of 10 television shows to watch when you’re feeling depressed. We’re sending you love, and hope you wrap yourself in a warm blanket, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and snuggle in for some binge-watching.

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10 Interesting (not sad) Documentaries to Watch When You're Feeling Low
Fresh Starts Registry Fresh Starts Registry

10 Interesting (not sad) Documentaries to Watch When You're Feeling Low

Sometimes we all just need to escape mentally for a while, so we rounded up 10 funny and interesting documentaries to watch for when you’re feeling low. With a mix of everything from Pixar, to Mister Rogers, music, food, and more, we’re sure there’s something here to watch with a bowl of popcorn and a Diet Coke.

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A Cozy Playlist for Winter
Music, Playlist Olivia Howell Music, Playlist Olivia Howell

A Cozy Playlist for Winter

There is truly nothing we love more than snuggling up with a good book and cup of cocoa during the winter (yes, this counts even if you live on the West Coast!). The only thing that would make it better? A Cozy Playlist, of course! We curated this 45 minute long playlist to give you a peaceful break during the day. Chock full of old and new faves, it’s the perfect way to warm up and zone out.

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Groove with Us
Genevieve Dreizen Genevieve Dreizen

Groove with Us

First of many Fresh Starts Playlists linked below! Come groove with us!

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