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Why Tapping Helps You Through a Life Change
Expert, Experts, Life Tips, Tapping Fresh Starts Registry Expert, Experts, Life Tips, Tapping Fresh Starts Registry

Why Tapping Helps You Through a Life Change

Heading down a Fresh Start path can sometimes be a little nerve wracking - we get it, we’ve been there! How can you quell your anxiety and nerves during a major life change? We asked EFT (emotional freedom technique) Tapping Expert Kristen Curtis how people can use tapping to feel less nervous and more empowered during a Fresh Start in their life. Don’t forget, you can schedule a free 30 minute call with Kristen here, and Fresh Starts readers get 15% off her amazing tapping and core clearing services.

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How to Parent Calmly When the World is Falling Apart
Life Coach, Life Tips, Single Parenting, Parenting Olivia Howell Life Coach, Life Tips, Single Parenting, Parenting Olivia Howell

How to Parent Calmly When the World is Falling Apart

Stephanie Rosenfield is a life and parent coach who helps parents live an intentional life that they love, one that they are excited to wake up to. We talked to Stephanie about how to parent calmly when your world is falling apart during hard times. Check out her parenting tips and tricks.

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10 Tips for Surviving the Holidays as a Single Parent
Divorce, Divorce Coach, Single Parenting, Holidays Olivia Howell Divorce, Divorce Coach, Single Parenting, Holidays Olivia Howell

10 Tips for Surviving the Holidays as a Single Parent

Navigating life as a single-parent can sometimes be a wild ride, and this is especially true during the holiday season! We asked our divorce coaches for their tips for surviving and thriving during the holidays season as a single parent. Click through for 10 tips for surviving the holiday season as a single mom or single dad.

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