5 Fresh Tips to Set Yourself Up for Success in Dating and Relationships with Relationship Coach, Susan Trotter

Setting yourself up for success in dating and relationships can be tricky, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for setting yourself up for success in dating and relationships, with Relationship Coach, Susan Trotter.

Susan Trotter, Ph.D. is a Relationship Coach who is passionate about helping people to feel confident and empowered in their lives. She has a special interest in the areas of mindset and communication, with expertise in relationships, divorce and dating. More specifically, Susan specializes in helping people in relationships to strengthen the connection and improve communication, those who are thinking about or going through divorce to navigate that process with confidence and peace of mind, and those who want to date and have joyful, healthy relationships to successfully navigate the dating world, both online and in person. She coaches individuals and couples, facilitates support groups, and loves to teach.

As one of Susan’s clients says, “Susan is one of the most caring and genuine people I have ever met. Supporting others to find contentment, love and healing is part of her DNA. Her extensive clinical experience paired with her excitement and commitment to the work of helping people into great relationships seals the deal. I recommend her to clients, colleagues, friends and family members looking for love, without hesitation.

You can learn more about Susan Trotter on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to set yourself up for success in dating and relationships:

  1. It is important to understand the role that mindset plays in this process. Mindset is about how you think, and how you think affects how you feel, what you do and the outcomes you get. So indirectly, how you think can lead to the results you get. In this context, when you feel positive about yourself, dating, and relationships, then you are much more likely to attract people who also are also positive and who are likely to make you feel good, too. And of course, the opposite is also true. Negativity attracts negativity. So, as you begin or continue the dating process, check where you are in terms of mindset and shift it as needed to help you be more successful.

  2. Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities people can have! This ties into mindset, but is also about understanding how to present yourself, how to communicate your value to people, and being selective about who you choose to connect with. For people who are coming out of long-term relationships and just thinking about dating, it can be helpful to take time to improve self-esteem, to reflect on your relationship history (for example, what worked and didn't work, what you want and need now and what your part was in past dynamics and whether or not it served you well) and perhaps to work with a therapist or coach to address any unresolved issues so that you don't repeat patterns in relationships that don't actually work well for you. Doing this will help you feel more confident, and remember that confidence is sexy - and that's always good for dating and relationships!

  3. It is also important to create a full and joyful life for yourself that other people may want to be a part of. Doing so allows you to then date intentionally and be more selective about who you invite in to enhance your life, rather than choosing people – and often settling – to fill voids in your life. So focus on setting up a good and happy life for yourself and raise your standards when looking for potential matches and creating a good relationship

  4. Learn how to navigate the dating world. Get out into the world doing things you enjoy, be open to possibilities and you just may meet someone to date. In regard to online dating, understand that it is a process and that there are successful and very specific strategies for creating a profile that will attract the kind of people you want, assessing other profiles, communicating through the sites, and more. Attend a webinar and/or work with a dating coach who can help you launch your ideal profile and work with you along the way to have the most successful experience with dating.

  5. Remember that everything someone provides is information for you to use to assess whether or not they are a good quality person and a potential good fit for you. These are two important factors to consider when you are assessing someone. Also discuss values, as shared values are foundational in a healthy relationship. In addition, look for consistency between their words and their behavior, and remember that it is behavior over time that tells us more about someone. So be engaged in the process while also paying attention to all the information they are providing to you along the way.


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