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Empathy and Curiosity in Understanding Voter Intimidation
Genevieve Dreizen Genevieve Dreizen

Empathy and Curiosity in Understanding Voter Intimidation

Something we encounter often in the replies of our tweets about voter intimidation happening on an intimate level is: “My husband isn’t like that.” Or “My friends tell their husbands who they vote for.” Or “If I didn’t feel safe telling my husband who I was voting for, I’d leave.” And that always baffles me.

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60 Action Items for Preparing to Vote in a Presidential Election!
Olivia Howell Olivia Howell

60 Action Items for Preparing to Vote in a Presidential Election!

Whether you’re a first-time voter or a seasoned participant in democracy, this list of 60 action items will guide you through everything you need to know and do before Election Day. From checking your voter registration status to understanding the candidates and propositions on the ballot, these steps will help ensure that your voice is heard and your vote counts.

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