Divorce Party: Celebrate Your Brave Decisions

We’ve been hearing a lot about divorce parties lately, as we said in this Shondaland article, divorce parties are an empowering act - and we believe that divorce is about choosing yourself, and celebrating your brave decision, so why not have a party to celebrate your brave moments? We’re all for it! Read on for some tips and info on divorce parties and why we’re all for them!

What are divorce parties?

Divorce parties have emerged as a celebration of newfound freedom and a symbol of empowerment for individuals navigating the challenging terrain of divorce. As we believe, gone are the days when divorces were solely associated with sadness and mourning. Divorce is a Fresh Start and a celebration of life! Today, divorce parties are becoming a popular trend, offering individuals the opportunity to embrace their independence, honor their resilience, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We believe in supporting people where they are in life, and when we can support our people through their brave decisions, it can help individuals heal, embrace their newfound freedom, and embark on a brighter future.

Celebrating with a Divorce Party!

Whether you’re planning a divorce party for yourself, or for a friend, it's essential to focus on positive and affirmative ways to celebrate this new chapter in your life. Check out our Divorce Party bundle for some decorations and trinkets for a celebratory divorce party!

Here are some ideas for hosting a divorce party that embraces empowerment and positivity:

  1. Theme of Renewal: Choose a theme centered around renewal and personal growth. Consider incorporating elements like butterflies, phoenixes, or blooming flowers to symbolize transformation and new beginnings. Do your or your friend have a favorite color or TV show? Make this party about them and what they love! Remember, divorce isn’t about winning, it’s about finding. Finding your way back to yourself - and this can be reflected in the theme of the divorce party.

  2. Gratitude Circle: Gather your close friends and loved ones for a gratitude circle, where each person can share a positive memory or quality they appreciate about you. This activity fosters a sense of support, love, and gratitude, reminding you of the positive relationships in your life.

  3. Empowering Workshops: Organize empowering workshops or activities that promote self-care, personal growth, and empowerment. This could include yoga or meditation sessions, vision board creation, or self-defense classes. These activities provide a platform for personal reflection and growth while surrounded by supportive friends. You can find an astrologer, psychic, or healer to attend the party on Fresh Starts.

  4. Release Ceremony: Consider incorporating a symbolic release ceremony where you and your guests can write down any negative emotions, regrets, or attachments associated with the past. Then, collectively release these papers into a bonfire or flowing water, symbolizing the release of emotional baggage and embracing a fresh start.

  5. Affirmation Wall: Set up an affirmation wall where guests can write positive affirmations or messages of support for you. Encourage everyone to take a moment to read and internalize these affirmations, reinforcing a sense of self-worth and empowerment.

  6. Fun and Celebration: Don't forget to incorporate elements of fun and celebration. Dance, sing karaoke, or hire a DJ to create a lively and uplifting atmosphere. The focus should be on joy, laughter, and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead.

Remember, the goal of a divorce party is to celebrate your resilience, strength, and the positive aspects of your life. It's an opportunity to gather with loved ones who support you, acknowledge your personal growth, and embark on a future filled with happiness and fulfillment.


Divorce Party: Celebratory Divorce Cake Ideas


Divorce Guide: 10 Tips to Help You Manage the Financial Aspect of Your Divorce