The Dictionary Of Jenny

In her birthday newsletter Jenny mentioned some Jenny-specific phrases she uses and threatened a Jenny dictionary for any interested. Please find it below.

Ankshy: adjective, diminutive of anxious; a way of expressing anxiety while owning it and being playful about it 

Boundaries: noun, “the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” - Prentis Hemphill

Community Care: verb, noun, way of life, the act of giving love, support and consideration to one’s personal, local and global community. See also self care: community care is self care.

Curiosity: noun, a strong desire to know or learn something. 1 of 2 things you should lead with (see: Empathy)

Eeep: exclamation, a way of communicating suspicion, concern, curiosity or “big eyes.” See also: Yikes Bikes

Empathy: noun, the desire and ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

1 of 2 things you should lead with (see: Curiosity)

Genacity: portmanteau of Genevieve and Tenacity meaning the determination to do what is hard but what needs to be done. A daily reminder to Jenny.

Goof-a-loof: noun, a silly person, a goof ball or used to describe goof ball behavior, ranging from just being a silly little goose to a rude person who no one takes seriously.

Guggenheiming: verb, meaning to climb or rise in an iterative way. Inspired by the screw type shape of the Guggenheim Museum in New York designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 

Hundo Pahsundo: phrase, meaning “one hundred percent,” coined in Texas in 2018

Kakey Dakey: phrase, meaning “okey dokey”

Rules: noun, there are none. See also: TANR (there are no rules) 

Self Care: noun, the truest form of which is creating a life you do not want to escape. Community care is self care.

TANR: acronym, meaning “there are no rules”

TYMP: acronym, meaning “Thank you, more please” said when positive things happen

Yikes Bikes: exclamation, a way of communicating suspicion, concern, curiosity or “big eyes.”


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