Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Divorce But Were Afraid to Ask: Carole’s Story

A Fresh Story, season 6, episode 11

Do you know what gray divorce is? Gray divorce refers to the increasing trend of couples divorcing later in life, typically after the age of 50 or during their retirement years. This phenomenon has seen a significant rise in recent years, challenging the traditional notion of marriage as a lifelong commitment. Factors contributing to gray divorce include longer life expectancies, shifting societal attitudes toward divorce, and evolving priorities and aspirations among older adults.

While the decision to divorce later in life can be difficult, it also represents a desire for personal growth, self-discovery, and pursuing happiness in the remaining chapters of life. As gray divorce rates continue to rise, it underscores the importance of addressing the evolving dynamics of relationships and supporting individuals through life's transitions with empathy and understanding.

We talked to author Carole Holiday about her divorce later in life, and how she reinvented herself after a 3 decade long marriage. Carole Holiday is an “Accidental Author” who calls herself not just a survivor of life after loss, but a thriver. Carole is the author of I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore, a guide through those moments when you wonder if the nightmare will ever end, a testament to the truth that God has good things in store for you, and a reminder that even your pain can become a beautiful part of who you are becoming.

We were so inspired by Carole's positivity, grace, resilience, and sense of humor. We know you will love this conversation with author Carole Holiday! Learn more about Carole Holiday on her website.


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