Emily Helck & The Lost Bookshop

A Fresh Story, season 2, episode 5

Sometimes people come into our lives and change the course of it forever - Emily Helck is one of those people. We chatted with Emily, the founder of The Lost Bookshop, about her many fresh starts in life - including supporting her partner through cancer, a diagnosis and experience of breast cancer as a young woman, figuring out her career, pregnancy loss, grieving a parent, and ultimately - following her dream and opening The Lost Bookshop - Delhi, New York’s independent bookstore. 

As she says about The Lost Bookshop, "Our name plays with the dual associations of the word "lost" when it comes to books —it’s a pleasure to be lost in a story, for example, and people in periods of change or transition (like leaving home, relationships ending or beginning, and grief and loss) who are perhaps feeling lost, can benefit from time spent with books. We offer books for getting lost and finding your way. Our carefully curated selection, which is guided by personal recommendations from our community, will place absorbing books in the hands of all readers, including those at crossroads in their lives."

Emily Helck is a writer and artist who divides her time between Philadelphia and New York's Catskill Mountains. She holds a bachelor's degree from Drew University, a master's degree from Fordham University, and is a graduate of Rutgers University–Camden’s creative writing MFA program. Her writing has been published by ABC News, Bustle, and other outlets. In addition to writing, she's proud of professional accomplishments in young adult cancer advocacy, and in the arts, having worked for iconic artist William Wegman for nearly twenty years. Emily is currently in the process of opening her own bookstore, The Lost Bookshop. 

You can learn more about The Lost Bookshop on the website, Instagram, and buy books here, too!


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