What if I make a mistake on my ballot?

What if I make a mistake on my ballot?

*this is not legal advice, but we wanted to share some general information

In person voting with a paper ballot: If you make a mistake on your ballot you can and should totally ask for a new ballot! Do NOT try to cross out or cover up the mistake, just pop over to the poll worker and let them know you made a mistake and need a new ballot.

In person voting on an electronic voting booth: You do not need to vote quickly, take a breath and make sure your selections are what you meant to chose. If for some reason the machine is not able to select what you’d like or acting funny — pop out and find a poll worker!

Absentee or mail in ballots: If you were sent a PDF to print out of your ballot, rip up the mistake (in tiny pieces!) and print it off again. If you were sent a paper ballot in the mail, call your local election board ASAP.

Most importantly, we want to encourage you to vote intentionally and without rushing — there is no reason to rush through this process, take a breath and take a moment to make sure you’re filling out your ballot correctly.


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