5 Fresh Tips to Improve Your Relationship with Money with Financial Coach Kristin Bjornstad

Learning how to improve your relationship with money can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you improve your relationship with money with financial coach Kristin Bjornstad.

I offer Intuitive Financial Coaching that is rooted in love and abundance. I combine practical strategy with the woo for maximum results. If you love astrology, human design, and oracle cards but you struggle to get your finances together, I'm your girl. I'm a subconscious mind whisperer who will get you rooted to beliefs that create a life with more peace, freedom, and abundance.

You can learn more about Kristin Bjornstad on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you improve your relationship with money:

  1. Remember that money is one representation of value and energy. You have a ton of value within you that you can exchange for money at any time. Take stock of all the resources you have including knowledge and set an intention to circulate them more.

  2. Shift your language with money, you don't spend it, you invest it. When you buy food or pay for your gym membership, you are investing in your health. When you pay house related bills you are investing in your home.

  3. Get clear on your values and align your circulation of money with your values. Invest in what you value. Remember that whatever you value is a worthy cause, and it's okay if other people don't get it.

  4. Create space for more money in your life by decluttering! Clear stagnant energy in the form of clothes you no longer wear, old files on your phone or computer, and other items you no longer use. You can exchange them for cash or just allow them to circulate back out in the world knowing that more money will flow to you now.

  5. Leverage your intuition and subconscious mind to build wealth. There is a version of you who feels abundant and already has the money you wish you had. Allow that version of you to be your guide. Check out my free vision meditation to get started.


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