What to say to your friend who is taking care of their partner

These scripts should serve as a guide for tough, trying, and tremendous life moments.

We’re here to support you in supporting your people. We’re proud of you. And we’ve got you.

Here’s what to say when you don’t know what to say.

First of all, I think you are doing a beautiful job figuring out some very heavy shit. The balance of romance and life and caretaking is probably an impossible one to strike moment to moment and you are holding it all so well. I wish for both of you that you didn't have to be carrying all of this. I'm here for all of the worried and confused and overwhelmed texts, and more than ready to talk things through if a sounding board would help. Would it help to talk through your plan of how you're managing everything and if there’s anything you can delegate to friends or family? I've got you both on my mind and want to be there to support you however I can.

Text these scripts, email them, leave them as a voicemail, or as the basis of a phone call or conversation in person. These scripts can be used over and over and across all platforms. We hope they help. We want to support you so that you can support your people.


What to say to your friend who is texting an ex


What to say to your friend who is taking care of a parent